18 Decemer 2024
Celebrating 14 Years of Excellence, Happy Anniversary to Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
As we mark the 14th anniversary of our company, we're filled with an immense sense of pride and gratitude. Here's to celebrating not just our past achievements but also the exciting future that lies ahead. Happy 14th Anniversary!

20 February 2023
Journal Article: Prediction of Work from Home and Musculoskeletal Discomfort: An Investigation of Ergonomic Factors in Work Arrangements and Home Workstation Setups Using the COVID-19 Experience
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, published an article to share the research on the work from home and musculoskeletal discomfort for office employees in Hong Kong.
The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for office workers to experience work from home (WFH). The aims of this study are to investigate the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD) and the work conditions of homeworkers during WFH as well as to evaluate the association and predicted risk of ergonomic factors and MSD. A total of 232 homeworkers completed questionnaires. Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to analyze the association and prediction of work arrangements and home workstation setups and musculoskeletal outcomes.
The result showed that 61.2% of homeworkers reported MSD while WFH. Because of the small living spaces in Hong Kong, 51% and 24.6% of homeworkers worked in living/dining areas and bedrooms, respectively, potentially affecting their work and personal life. Additionally, homeworkers adopted a flexible work style, but prolonged computer use while WFH. Homeworkers who used a chair without a backrest or a sofa could predict a significantly higher risk of MSD. The use of a laptop monitor posed about a 2 to 3 times higher risk of suffering from neck, upper back, and lower back discomfort than the use of a desktop monitor.
These results provide valuable information to help regulators, employers, homeworkers, and designers create better WFH guidelines, work arrangements, and home settings.
Chim, J. M. Y., & Chen, T. L. (2023). Prediction of Work from Home and Musculoskeletal Discomfort: An Investigation of Ergonomic Factors in Work Arrangements and Home Workstation Setups Using the COVID-19 Experience. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(4), 3050. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043050
Download the full article at: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/4/3050

18 December 2022
Happy Birthday to Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
We have gone through 13th years of consulting services to serve over 100 corporations locally and globally. We created significant history with the company for creating a safer and healthy workplace. We are looking forward to another ten years of working with our clients. Stay in touch with us at 852-3625 2024.

18 December 2021
Happy Birthday to Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
We all made a lot of achievement in the last 12th months. It is the time of celeberation of our 12th anniversary and we are looking forward to create a better workplace environment with our clients.
Mixed mode of services are available now. Call us for onsite, virutal and online services. World without boundary, Our Services without boundary.
Let's go!

22 November 2021
Journal Article: Implementation of an Office Ergonomics Program to Promote Musculoskeletal Health: A Case Study in Hong Kong
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, published an article to share the case study on the Implementation of FITS Model Office Ergonomics program in Hong Kong for a corporation with 2000 office staff.
An office ergonomics program was implemented at a multinational company in Hong Kong. The FITS Model office ergonomics program included four components: (1) F: Furniture Evaluation and Selection, wherein the ergonomist conducted a walkthrough review of furniture and environmental settings; (2) I: Individual Workstation Assessment, in which the office ergonomics guideline and educational video were developed. An interactive individual ergonomics workstation assessment included a health survey, and the assessor provided immediate recommendations for changes to workstation setup; (3) T: Training and Education; and (4) S: Stretching Exercises and Rest Breaks, which entailed classroom training to promote office ergonomics principles and demonstrate office stretching exercises.
A case study is described, included the steps to implement the program and highlights of the feedback from the project team gathered during mid-term and final evaluations. Lessons learned regarding program management and the limitations of the project intervention offer useful information for practitioners and companies.

Reference: Chim, J.M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021). Implementation of an Office Ergonomics Program to Promote Musculoskeletal Health: A Case Study in Hong Kong. IISE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors, 1–13.
14 June 2021
IEA 2021 Paper: 6Ws in the Ergonomics Review of Macro and Micro Workplace Design (Published by Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June))
The application of ergonomics in the occupational setting concerns the understanding the fitting of workers and the components of a work system which include work task, workstation setting, workspace and work environment. Ergonomics considerations in the workplace design bring the benefits to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, promote health and safety, create a worker-friendly workplace and enrich the employees’ wellbeing. The paper aims to summarize the systematic process to conduct an ergonomics review of workplace design proposals. Ergonomist applies theory, principles, data and methods to evaluate and review in the ergonomics review process.
The ergonomics review discussed in this paper has been used in newly designed control room, call center and offices. This paper will answer the following questions: (1) What are the objectives of ergonomics review of workplace design? (2) Why is ergonomics review of workplace design important? (3) Who should be involved in the ergonomics review of workplace design? (4) When should an ergonomics review of workplace design be conducted? (5) Where should be included in the ergonomics review of workplace design? (6) How should the ergonomics review of workplace design be conducted? Upon completion of the ergonomics review, the consolidated result and recommendations for improvement as well as the final decision of the design proposal should be well-documented for project reference in the next stage of the design process.

Reference: Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June). 6Ws in the Ergonomics Review of Macro and Micro Workplace Design. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 209-216). Springer, Cham.
14 June 2021
IEA 2021 Paper : Occupational Disease Compensation and Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong (Published by Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June))
Statistics indicate that 96% of office employees in Hong Kong spent at least six hours a day on computer work in the years 2018 and 2019. A total of 78% of of-fice employees reported musculoskeletal discomfort and among all cases, Shoul-der, Neck and Lower Back were the three highest reported body regions to have discomfort in past research from 2011 till 2020.
In terms of the musculoskeletal health of computer-based users during COVID-19 in 2020, 80% of respondents self-reported musculoskeletal discomfort during the pandemic season of COVID-19. A high percentage of respondents who suf-fered from musculoskeletal health issues did not seek medical treatment. In addi-tion, about one-third of the respondents had a basic workstation setup with the use of a laptop, tablet or phone only for work/study from home. 54% of the sur-vey respondents perceived no suitable work/study space at home, but only 10% of the survey respondents were dissatisfied with their workstation setup at home.

Reference: Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June). Occupational Disease Compensation and Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 703-709). Springer, Cham.
18 December 2020
Celebration of our 11th anniversary!
A very special year in 2020 for everyone in the world. We are looking forward to make a move with our heart and effort to serve our customers into another level.
A good year is coming! Be ready. Cheers.

15 June 2020
Resume of Onsite Services
Our onsite services has resumed today. If you are interested in any of our service, please contact us at 852-3625 2024 or email to enquiry@my-ergonomics.com . Thank you for your continuous support of our business.
5 February 2020
Temporarily Suspension of Onsite Service - Outbreak of Coronavirus
Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, to protect the health and safety of our consultant and the staff of our clients, the onsite service and activity and overseas travel will be temporarily suspended with immediate effect. We will continue to offer our services in other means without affecting the service quality. Stay in touch with us at 852-3625 2024.

18 December 2019
Hurray, we turned 10 today! Super Happy Birthday to Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
What we had achieved in 3,653 days?
Our ergonomics and health and safety consultancy services were started in Hong Kong. In the past 10 years, we served the clients located in Hong Kong, China, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia and new client in Macau from the date of our 10th anniversary. The employees’ size of our clients has few hundred employees to over 10,000 employees in one country.
Our heart to our client and their employees has never changed and certainly, we keep the good quality of services and our business goal.
Our Business Goal – FACT
F: Facilitation: Facilitate the business to meet the occupational safety and health legal requirements
A: Advancement: Advance the client’s OSH and ergonomics global standard/best practices
C: Creation: Create healthy, safe and efficiency workplaces and community with clients
T: Target: Specialize in occupational ergonomics services for wellness promotion and injury prevention
Let’s celebrate with us on our BIG DAY and let’s us to serve you in the next 10, 20 and 30 years.
18 December 2018
Celebration! Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited 9th Anniversary
2018 was a good year and we completed a number of big projects. We keep the same high level of service and serve our clients with all our heart and work very closely with clients to build a healthy, safe and happy workplace. Let's we all come to celebrate.
14 September and 7 October 2018
Supporting Organization in CareER Career Fair
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim jointed the Fair Opportuity Programme 2018 and particpated in Employer Forum on 14 September 2018. Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited is pleased to be invited as one of the supporting organization in CareER Inclusive Recruitment Fair 2018 on 7 October 2018. We have tailored made ergonomics and occupational safety and health services for people with special needs. You can visit our webpage with more details:
Free Ergonomics Service for Employee with Special Needs: http://www.my-ergonomics.com/ergo-for-special-needs.php

CareER stands for Care in Education and Recruitment. CareER plays an important role in the career development of persons with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN) by ensuring a smooth transition from university to their chosen fields of employment. CareER provides a peer support platform to higher educated persons with disabilities and SEN, which motivates and empowers them to contribute equally to the community and care for others (instead of being cared for). CareER believes career is of paramount importance in developing independence, confidence and talents in each person with disabilities and as a whole. Visit their website: https://career.org.hk/about/
30 August 2018
20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018), Italy
The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Congress is triennial conference which is organized by federated ergonomics societies. In IEA 2018, the congress is organized by "IE – Italian Ergonomics Society AEE – Spanish Ergonomics Society FEES – European Federation of Ergonomics Society GfA – German Ergonomics Society SELF – French Language Ergonomics Society APERGO – Portuguese Ergonomic Society".
The IEA 2018 held between 26 and 30 August 2018 in Florence, Italy. Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, published and presented two papers in the IEA 2018.
(1) Chim, Justine, MY, (2018) Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong, 20th Congress of the IEA
(2) Chim, Justine, MY, (2018) 6Ws in Ergonomics Workplace Design, 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association IEA

31 May 2018
Ms. Justine Chim, Appointment as Senior Expert for European Union, Jordan Mission
Congratulations! Our Principal Consultant, Justine Chim was appointed as Senior Work Injury Insurance Operations Expert for the European Union and Jordan mission of a EU funded project on Technical Assistance to Assess The Existing National Work Injury Insurance in Jordan and the Procedures for Enforcing Occupational Safety and Health Standard for a 9 months project in 2017/2018. Major areas of study: (1) Assess the OSH audit standards and enforcement mechanisms set up Social Security Corporation to increase the level of compliance between employers on health and safety requirements; (2) Assess the capacity in managing and running the Work Injury Insurance and health and safety; (3) Assess the current work injury case management approach and procedures; (4) Provide recommendations and actions to enhance procedures, and resources capacity in implementing Work Injury Insurance including health and safety enforcement.

27 December 2017
Our Story: Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited launch a video to share our story in promoting ergonomics, occupational health and safety and wellness in the past 8 years. You can simply click the picture below and go into the youtube to know more about us. ENJOY!

18 December 2017
Congratulations! 8th Anniversary
We all come to celebrate the 8th Anniversary of Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited. We will certainly continue to serve our clients with all our hearts and keep the strongest passion to promote ergonomics, occupational health and safety and employees' wellness.

18 November 2017
Press Interview- Ergonomics and Design (Ming Pao Weekly - 18 Nov 2017: The Finnish Way)
In the press interview, Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant of Chim’s ESL, ergonomics expert advised that Karuselli chair is designed according to the human body and anthropometric data. All highly ergonomic chair should be designed based on the ergonomics principles and use the accurate anthropometric data in the whole design process. A comfort chair have the characteristics of user’s body shape/build, user’s habit, outlook and colour, materials.

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10 June 2017
The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (Tokyo, Japan)
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant of Chim’s ESL presented her research paper on “Creating an Ergonomic Workplace by Design” in the ACED conferene 2017 and she illustrated six main concepts on ergonomic workplace by design. This paper aims to summarize the research findings of six aspects of applying ergonomics principles in workplace design. This paper will answer the following questions: (1) Why should use ergonomics principles in workplace design? (2) Who should consult and consider in workplace design? (3) When should use ergonomics principles in workplace design? (4) Where should apply ergonomics in workplace design? (5) How to use ergonomics in workplace design? (6) What are the ergonomics principles in workplace design? The workplace design should consider full spectrum of users group with different physical and psychological needs.
Justine also shared her opinion on ergonomics development in Hong Kong and her personal experience on how she obtained the Certified Professional Ergonomist international professional title in the Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design.
18 December 2016
7th Company Anniversary
Over the past seven years, we have been very blessed to grow in a brand new consultancy services market – ergonomics & health & safety by qualified ergonomist in Hong Kong & Asia. We served our clients not only located in Hong Kong but also in China, Singapore, Indonesia, Tokyo, Australia and United State. We served over 100 global companies and also developed tailored-made OHS and ergonomics services to NGO. We are looking forward to serve your company with all our heart and celebrate our 10th, 20th, 30th company anniversary together in the future.

18 December 2015
6th Company Anniversary
Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited is celebrating its sixth anniversary and we would like to thank our customers for your loyalty and support during our six years in business. We served our corporate clients not only located in Hong Kong but also in Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Australia. We have working partners in United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Europe as well.
We celebrate our 6th company anniversary with the following achievements:
> Served about 80 companies in the past six years and over 85% of companies are global corporations
> Developed an internationally recognized and awarded program “FITS office ergonomics program” and the program has been running in six countries
> Developed tailored-made health and safety/ergonomics consultancy services for office, retail, nursing home, manufacturing and banking industries
We are looking forward to serve our clients with all our heart and celebrate our 10th, 20th, 30th company anniversary together in the future.
December 2015
VIP Voter for Smart Parents' Choice, Sing Tao Daily
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, is invited VIP Voter for Smart Parents' Choice, Sing Tao Daily. Justine shared her opinion on how to choose the ergonomic and right furniture for Childrens in the Smart Parents' Choice Brand Awards 2015 publication.

9 to 14 August 2015
Speaker at 2015 IEA 19th Triennial Congress- Melbourne
International Ergonomics Association is the only international organization that is the federation of ergonomics and human factors societies around the world. IEA Triennial Congress is one of the biggest international events for ergonomists and human factors specialists. The IEA 19th Triennial Congress was held in Melbourne in August 2015.

Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, published two conference papers on office ergonomics in the IEA 2015 congress.
Article 1: Chim, Justine M.Y. 2015. “Effective Ergonomics Project on Implementation of FITS Office Ergonomics Program” In Proceedings of the IEA 19th Triennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia
The paper summarizes the case experience in the implementation of FITS Office Ergonomics Program (Chim, 2014a) in Hong Kong in a multinational corporation. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the systematic implementation of well-structured office ergonomics program and to report the employees’ feedback to the program. It is concluded that a well-designed office ergonomics program is the key of the success. In addition, a well-developed office ergonomics program with support by the corporation can expect a positive result in promoting healthy computing and to prevent musculoskeletal reporting in the office setting.

Article 2: Chim, Justine M.Y. 2015. “Healthy Computing and Ergonomics: Review of Musculoskeletal Health Problems and Workplace Setting” In Proceedings of the IEA 19th Triennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia

30 May 2015
Guest Speaker for a Professional Development Seminar: Strategies on Building Healthy Organisation, Hong Kong Baptist University
Employees are core assets on building an effective and productive organisation. In this seminar, Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, shared her expertise on the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in the office and manual work environment setting. Participants learned the relevant occupational safety and health legislation on occupational health and also the practical strategies on physical wellness programme. The seminar is organized by the Department of Management, Hong Kong Baptist University.

10 March 2015
Hong Kong Baptist University HRM Mentoring Program 2015-2016
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, graduated with her Bachelor of Business Administration (Majoring in Human Resources Management) and she has been supporting the Mentoring Program. She has been the mentor of the program since 2008 and the 2015 Closing and Kick Off Ceremony and Thank-you Dinner was held on 10 March 2015.
(from Right, Mr. Eddie Ng, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education,Education Bureau, HKSAR;
Middle, Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant &
Right, Ms. Ada Lee, student of HKBU)
(from Right, Ms. Ada Lee;
Middle, Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant &
Right, Ms. Mabel Young)
29 January 2015
Occupational Safety and Health Seminar to Management in Nursing Home
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was invited to speak in a seminar “Smart OSH Management in Nursing Home” on 29 January 2015. The seminar is organized by Paul Hartmann Asia Pacific Limited and over 40 managerial staff from Nursing Home attended the event. Justine shared her knowledge on the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health legislation, practical skills on OSH status evaluation, OSH management system in nursing homes and practical solutions for injury prevention. Participants found the seminar very helpful for occupational safety and health management in nursing home.
18 December 2014
5th Company Anniversary
CONGRATULATIONS. We are celebrating our 5th company anniversary! It is our birthday. Our 5th company anniversary is a time to reflect and thank God for the blessings we have received. Over the past five years, we have been very blessed to grow in a brand new consultancy services market – ergonomics & health & safety by qualified ergonomist in Hong Kong & Asia. We served our clients not only located in Hong Kong but also in China, Singapore, Indonesia and Asia. We have working partners in overseas as well. We are looking forward to serve our clients with all our heart and celebrate our 10th, 20th, 30th company anniversary together in the future.
We celebrate our 5th company anniversary with the following achievements:
- Developed an internationally recognized and awarded program “FITS office ergonomics program” and completed about 1,000 full individual office ergonomics assessments
- Being invited as author of the Hong Kong Filmmakers Professional Production Guidelines and Industrial Safety Manual and distributed over 4,000 copies in Asia
- Over 500 participants in a single year who attended the seminars, courses and training sessions
- Served over 40 global companies and developed tailored-made OHS services to NGO
To celebrate our 5th company anniversary, we are bringing the following special offers to all our valuable clients.
- Anniversary special offers from 5% to 15% discount for proposal signed on or before 28 Feb 2015
- Free ergonomics services for employee with special needs
- Special offer to Australian company operating in Hong Kong and Asia
- Special offer to non-profit organization
Welcome to call us at 852-3625 2024 for details.
26 November 2014
Invited Guest Lecturing at Hong Kong Baptist University (Topics: Strategies to create happy, healthy and productive workforce)
What are the strategies to create a happy, healthy and productive workplaces? Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, shared this interested topics to Human Resources Department in the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Interactive learning in the class and discussion which brought the students with new insights to attract, motivate and retain valuable assest for their future employers.

24 September 2014
Award Presentation of Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Outstanding Ergonomics Practitioner Award 2013/14 to Ms. Justine Chim
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, received the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Outstanding Ergonomics Practitioner Award 2013/2014.This is Justine's second time to receive the Outstanding Ergonomics Practitioner Award given by the Society.
Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited received the award for supporting Ms.Justine Chim to contribution the promotion of the Office Ergonomics internationally and also provide valuable business resources for the project.
In her awarded project, Justine developed her model “FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program” that aims to provide a systematic solution to manage the potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users in an office setting.
A comprehensive office ergonomics program, the FITS Model considers (1) Furniture Evaluation and Selection; (2) Individual workstation Assessment; (3) Training and Education; and (4) Stretching Exercises and Rest Break as elements of an effective program. An effective program can effectively reduce musculoskeletal injuries rates, enhancing productivity and improving staff well-being and job satisfaction. Justine will also share her experience on how the FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program applied in over 40 multinational corporations in Hong Kong and Asia in the past four years. Real case study of the office ergonomics program can show the application of the model into practice.
Congratulations to Ms. Justine Chim &
Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited
4 September 2014
Winner of Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Practitioner Award and Presentation
Congratulations! Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant received the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society practitioner award 2013/2014. This is her second time to receive the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Practitioner Award. Ms. Justine Chim will give a presentation to share her awarded project.
If you are interested to attend, please contact Hong Kong Ergonomics Society for details. The seminar is offered to member and all interested parties are welcome to join as member of the society.
Date: 24 September, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 7–8 PM
Place: Academic Building 1, City University of Hong Kong, Kln Tong
25 June 2014
Speaker at Tang King Po School 鄧鏡波學校 for sharing study and work in Ergonomics Specialty in Hong Kong and Australia
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, was invited speaker at Tang King Po School for the class of Secondary School who are taking Design and Technology subject. The talk inspired the students to enter the future career in design and ergonomics.

7 June 2014
Speaker at Open Day 2014 of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Topic: 職場必修科: 健康秀身法)
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, was invited speaker at the Open Day 2014 of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. In the open day seminar, Justine shared some good tips to maintain a healthy and pain free body. There are some easy and important ergonomics and postural tips which shall be noted in our daily activities and also performing tasks in the workplace.
The participants were very enjoy the talk and learned to protect the body for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

30 May 2014
Article of "Understanding Ergonomics to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders" at JiuJik Magazine by Ms. Justine Chim
When someone who suffered from musculoskeletal pain, he/she will go to try different medical treatments. However, many people expressed to ergonomist that the musculoskeletal pain could not able to remove effectively solely by medical treatments. The most important reason is the person who does not understand ERGONOMICS. The person should learn to adopt appropriate work posture, work habit, job arrangement, workplace environment and other elements in the work ergonomics system.
For details, please refer to the article on the JiuJik website (please click here for details) or read the article below.
13 April 2014
Sharing on Application of Ergonomics (養生專題 : 人體工學的應用 - 防止常見的腰背痛, 筋肌勞損, 保持身體健康)
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was invited to give a sharing at the Kowloon City Baptist Church on healthy life topic. In the sharing, participants acquired the knowledge on good posture to remove potential musculoskeletal discomfort at work or daily activities. Justine shared the life tips on keeping a good posture on sitting, sleeping, standing and performing day to day activities.

28 February 2014
HRM Mentoring Program 2014-2015, Hong Kong Baptist University
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, graduated with her Bachelor of Business Administration (Majoring in Human Resources Management) and she has been supporting the Mentoring Program. She has been the mentor of the program since 2008 for six completed years. The 2014 Closing and Kick Off Ceremony and Thank-you Dinner was held on 28 February 2014.

17 December 2013
Internationally Recognized The FIT Model Office Ergonomics Program TM: A model for best practice
The FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program TM was developed by our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine M.Y. Chim. The FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program TM aims to provide a systematic solution to manage the potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users in an office setting. A peer-reviewed journal article was published in Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation.
This paper proposes a comprehensive office ergonomics program, the FITS Model, which considers (1) Furniture Evaluation and Selection; (2) Individual Workstation Assessment; (3) Training and Education; (4) Stretching Exercises and Rest Break as elements of an effective program.
For the article abstract: please click here

18 December 2013
Serve the Community with our Heart from today: Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited 4th Anniversary
(Special Offer to Non-profit Making Organization in Hong Kong)
Happy 4th Anniversary! Today is our company 4th anniversary and we would like to announce that a special offer to non-profit making organization in Hong Kong has started today.
We started the free ergonomics service for employee with physical disabilities in September 2013 which we hope to serve the community with our effort and experience in “Ergonomics and Health & Safety”.
For details, please contact us at 852-3625 2024 for enquiry. The details of the offer can be refer to the “Free Service/Special Offer
Thank you for your support in the past and looking forward to serve you soon.
2 October 2013
Special Offer to Australian Company in Hong Kong and Asia, CALL US NOW! 澳洲公司特別優惠(香港及亞洲)
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, received her ergonomics and occupational health and safety management university education in Brisbane and Adelaide, Australia. Justine is the first Hong Kong graduate from the University of Queensland’s Master of Ergonomics program. She also awarded the Safety Institute of Australia medal in 2005. Now, she is the first and only Certified Professional Ergonomist in Asia by HFESA, Australia.
Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited gives special offer to Australian Company in Hong Kong and Asia. All you need to do is to inform our Consultant when discuss the project, the special discount will be offered. The offer will be ended by the end of 2014.
Welcome to call us at 852-3625 2024 or enquiry@my-ergonomics.com for enquiry.
We are looking forward to serve you in the nearest future.
* Australian Company: Any Hong Kong local or Asian company who has head quarter in Australia or relevant.
19 September 2013
Free Ergonomics Service for Employee with Physical Disabilities (New)
We understand that ergonomics can help people with special needs on workplace setting, furniture selection, equipment evaluation and other kind of accommodation to individual needs.
Our Aims:
Since 2013, Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited offers a limited quota of FREE ergonomics consultancy services to those employees who has physical disabilities and requires ergonomics workplace accommodation.
Our free service is offered to any Hong Kong registered company who hires employee who has special physical needs (such as deafness, blindness, physical disabilities, etc.) or requires ergonomics accommodation due to personal injury.
Our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim (CPE), will offer free onsite service and advice on workplace accommodate to the concerned staff who has special needs.
If you would like to know more about the service, you can call us at 852-3625 2024/enquiry@my-ergonomics.com for further discussion.
Note: It has no hidden cost and the service is offered absolutely free.
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (John 3:18 NIV)
10 July 2013
Oral Presentation, Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, at PREMUS 2013
Topic: Musculoskeletal disorders among office employees in Hong Kong and best practices office ergonomics solutions
(Eighth International Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, at Busan, Korea, 7 Jul to 11 Jul 2013)
Conference Website: http://www.premus2013.org/
The eight international conference on prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (PREMUS 2013) was held in Bexco, Busan, Korea from 7 July to 11 July 2013. About 300 participants attended the conference and they were coming from 29 countries around the world. During four days conference, there were seven keynote speeches and about 190 paper presentations.
Our Principal Consultant, Justine Chim, published a paper titled “Musculoskeletal disorders among office employees in Hong Kong and best practices office ergonomics solutions” and presented on 10 July 2013 in the computer work session. In her paper, it highlighted that "Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited (Chim’s ESL) conducted 618 individual ergonomics workstation assessments for about 20 companies between 2011 and 2012 in Hong Kong. Self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms and average working hours with DSE operation were collected during the individual ergonomics workstation assessment. "
“The result showed that 73% of 618 office employees who spent at least six hours a day in DSE operation whereas the study by OSHC in 2002, 45% of 368 office employees who spent at least four hours a day in DSE operation. The results indicated that office employees spent much longer hours (at least increased by 62%) with using computer at work than 10 years ago.
In addition, over 80% of survey employees who reported musculoskeletal symptoms for at least one body region. Neck, shoulders and lower back were the highest reported rate of musculoskeletal discomfort among 618 office employees. Furthermore, over 40% of office employees received treatment for musculoskeletal symptoms in the past. The responsibility lies with employers to protect their employees’ health and safety at work.
A comprehensive office ergonomics program (such as FITS® Office Ergonomics Program by Chim’s ESL) shall be adopted to eliminate or minimize the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users. The correspondence medical cost can also be reduced.”

We would like to congratulate Ms. Justine Chim who shares the recent result of the musculoskeletal disorders condition among Hong Kong office employees and also proposed the best practice office ergonomics solutions to practitioners and researchers around the world.
If you are interested to receive the abstract of the paper, please contact us at enquiry@my-ergonomics.com.
28 April 2013
The Terms of Ergonomics: Correct Use of the Terms ERGONOMICS
It has been a lot of people who ask about the correct terms of ERGONOMICS. We have prepared a description to explain the terms of ERGONOMICS vs ERGONOMIC.
You can find the explanation here (click please), "Correct Use of the Terms ERGONOMICS"

25 February 2013
HRM Mentoring Program 2012-2013, Hong Kong Baptist University
HRM Mentoring Program of the Hong Kong Baptist University students is jointly organized by the Department of Management, Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong People Management Association.
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, graduated with her Bachelor of Business Administration (Majoring in Human Resources Management) and she has been supporting the Mentoring Program. She has been the mentor of the program since 2008 for five completed years. The 2013 Closing and Kick Off Ceremony and Thank-you Dinner was held on 25 February 2013.

8 February 2013
Chim's ESL Wishing You a Warm, Safe and Healthy, Beauty, Blessed Year of Snake
Justne Chim, Director and Principal Consultant composed a poem and would like to celebrate the Chinese New Year of Snake to all of you. May you all have a warm, safe, healthy, beauty, blessed year of Snake.

2 February 2013
Guest Lecture on “Ergonomics and Training” for Master of Human Resources Management students, Hong Kong Baptist University
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, shared her professional knowledge of Ergonomics and Training to 45 Master of Human Resources Management students at the Hong Kong Baptist University. This was the 6th years Justine shared her ergonomics knowledge to the postgraduate Human Resources students.
The basic concept of ergonomics and the real case application of office ergonomics and manual handling risk management were discussed during the lecture. Students found the topic is very interesting and also inspired by the real case examples of the ergonomics applications.

29 January 2013
South China Morning Post – Health Post Interview
Occupational Hazard: Snap out of it “Injuries caused by lazy habits while working on computers have become a widespread problem”South China Morning Post – Health Post Interview
Nadine Bateman, Health Post of South China Morning Post interviewed Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant in regards to the hot topic on healthy computing and musculoskeletal injuries.
In the newspaper, it highlighted that:
Ergonomics expert Justine Chim, whose company, Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited, has advised employees of many large Hong Kong firms in the past decade, says her team completed 661 individual ergonomics workstation assessments in the past year and that many of those employees complained of musculoskeletal symptoms.
Says Chim: “More than 80 per cent of [those] office computer users reported musculoskeletal symptoms in at least one body region and more than half had received treatment in the past or are currently receiving treatment. Of those 661 office employees, about 75 per cent were required to use a computer for a prolonged period, cumulatively, for at least six hours a day for almost every day at work.”
Chim says the responsibility lies with employers to keep their employees safe and healthy during working hours. She suggests that there are many employers who are not aware of the legislative requirements that have been put in place to protect prolonged computer users, “even though the regulation has been enacted for about 10 years”.
This ignorance or oversight by employers is costing them money, she says, because they are “not calculating the cost of medical insurance, the time taken off work for treatment, lowering employee morale, productivity reduction, sick leave and absenteeism, increased labour conflict and psychosocial issues which correlate to the prolonged use of computers”.
Chim’s company has developed an office ergonomics programme with the objective of providing “a systematic solution to manage the potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users in an office setting”, which she says can eliminate or minimise the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users but which must be based on an individual assessment by an experienced ergonomist.
(For full article, visit South China Morning Post Health Post, click here or http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health/article/1137950/snap-out-it

21 December 2012
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) Newsletter (Issue 31, 12/2012)
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, is recently profiled in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia newsletter. Justine shared her experience from first knowing about ergonomics to the year 2012, she received the Certified Professional Ergonomics status from HFESA. She also explained the recent office and workplace ergonomics development in Hong Kong and Asia.

20 December 2012
Chim's ESL - December 2012 Newsletter
Highlights of 12/2012 Newsletter
> Congratulations to Ms. Justine Chim - CPE Certificate Presentation to "The first and only Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE), Australia in Asia"
> Ergonomics Training for NGO - Safe Manual Tasks and Healthy Workforce Training
> Seminar on Healthy Computing for Interpreters, Translators and Writers in Australia
> Lecture to 80 Human Resources Managemenet Students on Strategies to Create Healthy, Happy and Productive Workforce

29 November 2012
Ergonomics Training: Safe Manual Tasks and Healthy Workforce Training for Elderly Centre and Elderly Home Employees
A total of 60 employees in the elderly centre and elderly home organization received the training on safe manual tasks and healthy workforce. The aims of the three hours training session are to promote the workplace health and safety and advise the safe manual handling activities for personal care worker, cleaner, driver, chef and any supporting employees in the aged care facilities.
Ergonomics practical solutions on the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries were given to training participants and they were also actively participated in the discussion during the safe manual exercise session. Participants were not only able to learn the proper ergonomics working posture and position while performing manual handling operations but also to practice the stretching exercise in the class. The safe manual tasks and healthy workforce training is well received by the participants on how to protect their own health and safety at work.
P.S. Non-governmental organizations can receive special offer for training and consultancy service. Please contact Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited for more details. Telephone: 852-3625 2024.

28 November 2012
Lecture to Human Resources Management Students on Strategies to Create Healthy, Happy and Productive Workforces
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant was being invited to share her knowledge and experience on the strategies to create healthy, happy and productive workforces in two lectures with the total number of 80 Human Resources Management students at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
A well designed wellness management program can create healthy, happy and productive workforces. Students acquired knowledge on the key strategies to apply physical ergonomics, health and safety as well as organization ergonomics during the class. The wellness management is a very popular topic for the Human Resources professional and Justine was glad to share her experience to 80 future HR professionals.

22 November 2012
Seminar on Healthy Computing for Interpreters, Translators and Writers in Australia
Everyone wants a healthy body and life. On 22 November 2012, Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant delivered a seminar on Healthy Computing for Interpreters, Translators and Writers in Adelaide, South Australia for a group of professional members of The The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT).
During the seminar, Justine promoted the office ergonomics principles to create a comfortable, healthy and productive work environment by adopting an appropriate computer workstation set-up and safe work practices. Office stretching exercises were demonstrated and practised in this seminar. A group of professional interpreters, translators and writers were very actively participated in the seminar and they shared with personal experience on using computers for long hours. In this seminar, participants can learn the contemporary office ergonomics principles.

13 November 2012
Congratulations to Ms. Justine Chim
CPE Certificate Presentation to The first and only Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE), Australia in Asia
The CPE certification presentation ceremony was held in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) annual conference dinner 2012 on 13 November 2012 in the capital city of Australia: Canberra. The certificate was presented by Ms. Christine Aickin, President of HFESA 2010-2012 and the new President (2012 to 2014) of the society Professor Micheal Regan.
According to the International Ergonomics Association, there are five Federated Human Factors and Ergonomics Societies who manage their own local certification programs around the world. Within the Asia Pacific region, other than Japan, Australia is the only country who has the CPE certification program. Justine was glad that she certified as the Certified Professional Ergonomist and was the first and only CPE, Australia in Asia. As of 2012, there are 68 CPEs from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia.
Justine has a decade’s experience in ergonomics, occupational health and safety management and human resources management for more than five countries in the last decade. She has been teaching ergonomics, health and safety and management in Universities in Hong Kong and Australia. She was the Winner of Outstanding Project Ergonomics Practitioner Award, Hong Kong Ergonomics Society in 2009/10. Justine was named as “Hong Kong's First Masters Graduate in Ergonomics” in the media release by the Australian Consulate- General, Hong Kong in 2007 and was interviewed by academic institutes, newspaper, radio and professional associations in Hong Kong and overseas

11 July 2012
Workshop: Fundamental Occupational Safety and Health Management Knowledge for Managers
Jointly organized by Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited and School of Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Tung Wah College
The workshop had successfully organized on 11 July 2012. Over 20 Managers from local, multinational and NGOs who participated the training. The workshop was well received by the participants on upgrading the knowledge on Occupational Safety and Health Management and Legislation. During the workshop, participants also practice the stretching exercises on reduce stress and spiritual health.

1 June 2012
Healthy Workplace - Office Stretches Poster and Leaflet, Now is Ready to Order !
Healthy workplace – office stretches poster and leaflet developed by Certified Professional Ergonomist and trainer of Chim's ESL. The Office Stretches provides important information on benefits of regular stretches, reminders before and after stretches. The Office Stretches Poster/Leaflet included 10 office stretching exercise with full explanation and printed in Chinese and English. The office stretches were designed to cover the following body parts:
1. Neck
2. Wrist
3. Finger
4. Eye
5. Upper Back
6. Shoulder
7. Back
8. Chest
9. Lower Limb
10. Shoulder & Upper Limb
A2 and A3 Poster
A2 Poster printed on one side: HK$200 each
A3 Poster printed on one side: HK$70 each
A4 Leaflet printed on both sides: HK$20 each
A4 Leaflet
Note: The poster and leaflet are copyrighted by Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited. Any reproduction is strictly prohibited.
Please contact us via phone 852- 3625 2024 852- 3625 2024 or email to enquiry@my-ergonomics.com
18 May 2012
Seminar on Strategies to Create a Healthy Workplace and Happy Workforce
Everyone agrees that employees are the most important asset for a successful corporation. On 18 May 2012, our Principal Consultant, Ms. Justine Chim, shared the topic on Strategies to Create a Healthy Workplace and Happy Workforce at a public seminar at School of Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Tung Wah College.
During the seminar, she covered the legal requirements on Occupational Safety and Health and the practical workplace applications on ergonomics and employee wellness management. All participants enjoyed the time on practising stretching exercise together.

29 February 2012
Congratulation! First and Only Certified Professional Ergonomist in Asia- Ms. Justine, Man Yi, Chim
Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant had certified by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia as the first and only Certified Professional Ergonomist in Asia. It confirmed that Justine has skills and experience to provide high quality and consistent advise and support in the area of Ergonomics and Human Factors.
In addition, it also confirmed that Justine has comprehensive set of ergonomics competencies and the past work projects were well demonstrated her expertise in the ergonomics and injury prevention.
We congratulate every success of Justine on achieving a high professional status in the ergonomics profession in the international domain.
Website of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia: http://www.ergonomics.org.au
2 February 2012
Sharing Health and Safety and Ergonomics Concepts to Master of Human Resources Students
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was invited to share the health and safety and ergonomics concepts on Human Resources Management. Students, Hong Kong Baptist University acquired the knowledge on how importance of injury prevention, ergonomics and health and safety in the Human Resources Management function. In addition, the concepts on injury prevention and training effectiveness were discussed.
The class was well-received by the students and inspired their knowledge in the Occupational Safety and Health as well as Ergonomics/Manual Handling Risk Management.

23 September 2011
Press Interview by Ming Pao
Headline: Upgrading your Occupational Safety and Health Knowledge and Lower the Workplace Injury Risk Now
A press interview was conducted by Ming Pao about the current Occupational Safety and Health, Ergonomics and Staff Wellness best practices. Ms. Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was interviewed and shared her views on the OSH market in Hong Kong. Within the Hong Kong Legislative requirements, every employer, employee and occupier is responsible for protecting the safety and health of the employee and occupant.
If the company does not have Safety and Health Department, generally, Human Resources Department takes up the responsibility on Occupational Safety and Health, injury management as well as employee wellness. If the employer would like to attract, motivate and retain your valuable employees, except consider the financial rewards for short term solution, a healthy and safe work environment and employee wellness program shall be developed.
Contact Chim's Ergonomics and Safety for immediate assistance (852-3625 2024) on your Safety and Human Resources Management strategies.
(Click the newspaper picture - above and enter the online version of the press interview)
10 August 2011
Creating an Ergonomic Workspace Together Workshop
Can we use ergonomics concepts to create a comfortable, healthy and efficiency workspace? Why we need to create an ergonomic workspace? On 10 August 2011, Justine Chim, the Principal Consultant, delivered an interesting and informative workshop about “Creating an Ergonomic Workspace Together”. The workshop attracted the professionals: Architect, Interior Designer, Facilities Manager, Human Resources Manager, Office Administrative Manager and Furniture Sales Executives to participant the workshop. Justine shared with the audiences on the topic about What, Why, Who, When, How and Where, six “W” methods to create an ergonomic workspace.

3 August 2011
Heart to Heart Business: MY Consulting
Radio Interview of Justine Chim, Founder of MY Consulting - Ergonomics, Health and Safety and Wellness at Commercial Radio (在晴朗的一天出發)
The founder of MY Consulting, Justine Chim (詹敏儀), who interviewed by Mr. Wong Wing (黄永先生) in the Commercial Radio program (在晴朗的一天出發). Mr. Wong Wing, the host of the radio program, leaded an interesting interview about the idea, ambition and creativity of why and how Justine is running her business in ergonomics, health and safety and wellness consultancy services. If you suffer from any kind of musculoskeletal discomfort, just spend few minutes of listening the radio recording and learn that how ERGONOMICS can make you a better life with free of pain.
<收聽錄音>在晴朗的一天出發:詹敏儀,人體工學及職安健顧問公司創辨人 (Listen to the radio interview, please click here)
28 February 2011
HRM Mentoring Program 2010-2011, Hong Kong Baptist University
HRM Mentoring Program jointly organized by Department of Management, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong People Management Association.
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, has been supporting the teaching at the Hong Kong Baptist University as well as mentoring the University students. She has been the mentor of the HRM Mentoring Program since 2008 for four consecutive years. The 2010/2011 Closing and Kick Off Ceremony and Thank-you Dinner was held on 28 February 2011.
In the year of 2010/2011, two mentees, Mr. Dominic Lam and Ms. Veronica Cheng, awarded the first runner up and 2nd runner up of the Best Project Award (HRM Mentoring Program) of the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Scholarship 2010/2011 representatively. Both of them delivered excellent reports and presentations which they shared their valuable experiences from the HRM Mentoring Program.

December 2010
Professional Production Guidelines and Industrial Safety Manual 2010 - Film Industry
Principal Consultant of MY Consulting, Justine Chim, was appointed to write the “Professional Production Guidelines and Industrial Safety Manual 2010 專業製作指引及安全手冊 2010” which published by the Hong Kong Filmmakers Association. Principal Consultant, Justine Chim, interviewed 20 prestigious Filmmakers, including Film Director – Gordon Chan 陳嘉上導演, Derek Kwok 郭子健導演; Action Director and Stuntman – Chin Ka Lok 錢嘉樂先生; Bruce Law Lai Yin 羅禮賢先生, Stephen Tung Wai 董瑋先生, Cinematographer - Adam Tam 談智偉先生; Tony Lam 林德明先生, Gaffer – Wong Wai Chuen 汪鏸銓先生. In the interview, the filmmakers shared their local and overseas experiences in the safe film production and the best practices of professional filmmaking. The Manual was also consolidated the sharing from the Hong Kong most experienced filmmakers.
The Principal Consultant, Justine Chim, reviewed the overseas best practices guidelines on film production and applied her technical knowledge and overseas experience on safety management by ensuring the practicability of safety management guidelines for Hong Kong filmmakers in the Manual.

4 December 2010
World SME Expo
MY Consulting (Chim's Ergonomics and Safety Limited) participated the World SME Expo organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council on 4 December 2010 in HKCEC. the World SME Expo presents a full spectrum of business opportunities and solutions ranging from China Opportunities, Overseas Opportunities, Financial Services, IT and E-Business, China Trade Strategies, Start a Business, Business Intelligence, Business Support Services, Legal, Accounting, Consulting, Marketing and other trade support services for SMEs.

5 November 2010
Sharing of Ergonomics Workplace Design at Hong Kong Sports Institute
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was invited to share her experience on ergonomics workplace design on creating a healthy workplace at the Hong Kong Sports Institute. In this presentation, Justine highlighted the application of using ergonomics on workplace design and improvement. The benefits of ergonomics considerations for promoting the occupant satisfaction and well‐being as well as injury prevention were also discussed. Participants found that the presentation was very inspiring and also very useful for the office re‐development program.
12 June 2010
Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Outstanding Project Award (Practitioner Level) 2009/10
We are delighted to advise that Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, won the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Outstanding Project Award (Practitioner Level) 2009/10. The Outstanding Project Award is set up with an aim to nurture the growth of research and application of ergonomics in Hong Kong and Asian region as a whole. Particularly, the award for practitioners target at rewarding the professionals who practice ergonomics and have completed a project. The winning project had gained the highest ratings against the others in terms of its scientific merit, innovativeness, and contribution to the development of the discipline. With this award, Justine received a cash prize and a Certificate of Recognition.
The winning project is ergonomics applications in workplace design: Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health and Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Telebet Centre.
The award was presented by the Chairman of the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society on 12 June 2010 at the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Annual General Meeting 2009/2010. Please join us in congratulating Justine on this achievement and share this honourable moment in ergonomics development.

Justine was invited to present at the Annual Scientific Meeting 2010 of the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society on 12 June 2010 and shared the winning project of the Outstanding Project Award (Practitioner) 2009/2010 which applied participatory ergonomics in the Telebet Centre Design.

10 April 2010
Seminar Presentation - Ergonomics in Workplace Design ‐ Occupational Health and Safety, Work Efficiency and Employee Wellness
Justine Chim was invited to share the topic of "Ergonomics in Workplace Design ‐ Occupational Health and Safety, Work Efficiency and Employee Wellness” at the "Work Injury & Rehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Musculoskeletal Injury Management at the Workplace” symposium. There was over 130 medical professionals and occupational health and safety practitioners attended the symposium.
This symposium was organized by Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Co‐organized by Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre. The Hong Kong Ergonomics Society and other professional associations were supporting organization for this symposium.

5 February 2010
HRM Mentoring Program 2009-2010
HRM Mentoring Program jointly organized by Department of Management, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong People Management Association.
Justine Chim has been the mentor of the HRM Mentoring Program since 2008 for three consecutive years. The 2009/2010 Closing and Kick Off Ceremony cum Thank-you Dinner was held on 5 February 2010.

22 January 2010
Seminar: "Ergonomics Interventions in the Workplace
Justine Chim was the invited guest speaker for the seminar and the presentation topics is "Ergonomics Workload Analysis for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders".
Seminar: "Ergonomics Interventions in the Workplace", jointly organized by the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society and the OSH & Rehabilitation Specialty Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association.

19 December 2009
Sharing "Training and Ergonomics" at Hong Kong Baptist University
Justine Chim was the honourable guest speaker for the Training and Development class at the Postgraduate Program in Human Resources Management at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Justine Chim shared the knowledge about "Training and Ergonomics" which inspired the applications of ergonomics in the workplace environment and the importance of ergonomics and training in the health and safety management.
14 August 2009
Conference paper published and presented at the 17th World Congress of International Ergonomics Association in Beijing
The paper titled: Justine, M.Y. Chim; Peter, S.G. NG & Stephen, T.C. Tai (August 2009), Winning Telebet Centre Design: Apply Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health & Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency, 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association.
(For more, please click here)

Graduate Profile - Justine Chim - Study Ergonomics and Health and Safety Management in Australia, The University of Queensland

1 November 2008
Guest Lecturing at the Hong Kong Baptist University
Justine Chim was invited to deliver a guest lecture for the Training and Development class at the Postgraduate Program in Human Resources Management at the Hong Kong Baptist University. It was her second year to share her knowledge and experience to the students.
Students were not only acquired knowledge on ergonomics and health and safety management and practised the stretching exercises during the class. The lecture was well-received.

11 October 2007
Combining Expertise in Human Resources Management with Ergonomics and OHS Management
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) Newsletter Number 14
Member Profile: Man Yi (Justine), Chim
Copy of the article: on Page 4 and 5 (Please Click Here)
October 2007
Headline: Graduate Profile: Man Yi (Justine), CHIM
The University of Queensland Alumni Association - Hong Kong Chapter - Newsletter
30 August 2007
Newspaper Interview: Oriental Daily News 東方日報
Headline: “Application of Ergonomics: Reduce Injuries, Enhance Productivity”.
活用人體工學 減勞損增效率
17 August 2007
Radio Interview to Justine Chim
Radio and Television of Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 3
Radio program, Presented by Ms. Sarah Passmore.
(Photo from left to right)
Ms. Justine Chim and Ms. Sarah Passmore in RTHK Studio)
9 August 2007
Press Release - The Australian Consulate General-Hong Kong
Headline: Hong Kong's First Masters Graduate in Ergonomics 香港首位人體工學碩士畢業生
Ms Justine Chim, the first Hong Kong student to graduate with a Masters in Ergonomics from the University of Queensland (UQ), will be at the Festival to explain to potential students the application and relevance of ergonomics in modern workplaces.
Occupational ergonomics is much more than what sort of chair you sit in and where you rest your hands on the keyboard. It is the specific study of the interaction between people and all other elements of a work system – work task, workstation and tools, work environment and organization. Ergonomics principles can be applied at any time in any workplace.
Ergonomics is such a specialised subject the reputation of the University and programs are very important. UQ is a member of the Group of Eight Universities in Australia so it represents the leading academic and research status in the world, said Justine Chim.
Justine's expertise in ergonomics and occupational safety and health management in particular manual handling risk management led to an employment contract in Australia with Arnott's Biscuits looking at the manual handling risks and control measures like lifting slippery 25 kilogram blocks of butter into the biscuit mixing machines."
Copy of the Press Release: English Full Version (Please Click Here)
Copy of the Press Release: Chinese Full Version (Please Click Here)
20 to 22 November 2006
Justine Chim published and presented the conference paper in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Conference 2006, Sydney-Australia.
The title of the conference paper was "Ergonomics Workload Analysis for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Food Services in the Health Sector".
The study was conducted in a major South Australian hospital. The physical demands, physiological responses and perceived workload were analysed to identify the risk factors arising from six manual tasks performed by Kitchen Hands. The assessment showed that physical demands during trayline serving – loader, collecting trays and trolleys and delivering lunch trolleys contributed to a higher risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
Across the six manual tasks, the participants displayed the highest average blood pressure changes of 12.53% while dishwashing and 11.50% while collecting trays and trolleys. Delivering lunch trolleys displayed the lowest average blood pressure change of 1.65%. The perceived effort measured by Borg’s RPE scale showed that the perception of exertion for four out of six tasks was rated as “somewhat hard”. Recommendations focused on implementation of an effective hazard management program and maintenance and design of equipment and trolleys.