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Ergonomics, workplace health and safety and employee wellness play important roles in the business operations and management function. Every employer has the duty of care to provide a safe and healthy work environment.
Ergonomics 人體工學
Ergonomics is the power for human activities. Ergonomics defines as the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. Ergonomics applies to all human activities. A properly designed and implemented ergonomics program will improve productivity and reduce injury rates. In the workplace setting, task analysis, workplace design and assessment and office ergonomics are important aspects to create comfortable, safe and efficient operations.
Workplace Health and Safety 安全及健康
Workplace Health and Safety is the essence of business success. Workplace Health and Safety/Occupational Health and Safety is about preventing work-related injury and disease and designing work environments that promote the well-being of staff. In a higher level, Occupational Safety and Health also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment. To satisfy important health and safety concerns, employers need to proactively adopt a systematic approach to managing health and safety. A health and safety program shall be established in which it is integrated as part of the management program.
Wellness 安康
Wellness is the soul of human resources. Wellness Management includes the activities on employee's health management, human resources management and work-life balance. A well organization creates a pleasant and healthy workplace environment and the organization, work team and employee individual to sustain higher level of work performance and well-being. This is an important contemporary employee's retention tool and also, the human resources management strategy to attract, retain and motivate outstanding employees to your organization.