Major Ergonomics, Health and Safety, Wellness Management and HR Projects in Hong Kong and Overseas by Our Consultants
- Ergonomics Mock-up Workstation and Workspace Evaluation for a New Office and Recommend the Most Suitable Furniture, Workplace Setting and Environment
- Write the Professional Production Guidelines and Industrial Safety Manual for Film Industry, Hong Kong Filmmakers Association
- Apply Ergonomics and OHS Principles to Create the Best Work Environment and Operational Efficiency in the Telephone Contact Center
- Ergonomics Workplace Assessments for Injury Prevention: Workplaces including Control Room, Facilities Management Office, Registration Office, Special Design Workstation, Traffic Booths, etc.
- Office Furniture Ergonomics Training to Office Furniture Company
- Office Ergonomics Evaluation and Training for IT Department
- Workstation Assessment and Office Ergonomics Program for Injury Prevention
- Stretching Exercise and Office Ergonomics Program for a Local Bank
- Stretching Exercise program for Crane Operators in the Container Terminal
- Manual Handling Risk Management Project for Injury Prevention - Biscuits Manufacturing Company
- Manual Tasks Risk Assessment of Handling Books in University Library
- Manual Tasks Risk Management of Warehouse in China
- Promote Stretching Exercises to Enhance Staff Wellness
- Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Health and Aged Care Industry
- First Aid Program and Promotion
- Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness Program
- Office Ergonomics and Healthy Computing Training
- Ergonomics Workload Analysis for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in a Major Hospital in South Australia
- Investigation of Pre-employment Screening and Safety Management System in Adelaide, Australia and Hong Kong
- Hazard Management and Machinery Safety in a New Manufacturing Site
- Hazard Management of Powered Forklift Truck Operations
- Ergonomics Risk Assessment of Straddle Driving and Lashing/Unlashing Task in the Container Terminal
- Incident Investigation in Work Safety Management – for a Construction Company
- Investigation of the Risk of Lung Cancer from Work in Foundries
- Building Fire Safety and Dangerous Goods Handling Review in Factory Site
- Plant Risk Assessment in Biscuit Manufacturing Operations
- Noise Management and Noise Induced Hearing Loss Project in a Manufacturing Site
- Reducing Error and Accident through Design of Powered Forklift
- Examination of Ergonomics Tool Assumptions, Limitations and Utility for Manual Handling
- Total Injury Management Recording and Reporting System (Computer Software Program)
- Global Pandemic Plan for Prevention and Internal Control for a Corporation
- Company, OSH and Human Resources Handbook/Policies and Internal Policies and Procedures Development and Implementation