Chim's Ergonomics and Safety ● 詹士人體工學及職安健有限公司
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About Chim's Ergo and Safety ● 關於詹士 ESL

Dr. Justine Chim
MErgo(UQ),Grad Dip OHS Mgnt (Uni Ade),BBA(Hons)-HRM,
MHFESA(Aust),MHKES(HK), CPE (Australia), RSO (HK)


亞洲首位及唯一獲澳洲頒發之國際認可人體工學專才(Certified Professional Ergonomist, Australia)




獲澳洲Safety Institute of Australia頒發最傑出職業健康及安全獎章


專家證人證書課程畢業, 香港理工大學專業進修學院

澳洲Human Factors and Ergnomics Society of Australia, Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE)& 會員

Dr. Justine Chim 詹敏儀博士為詹士人體工學及職安健有限公司創辦人及首席顧問。詹士人體工學及職安健有限公司為亞太區之客戶提供獨特且專業的人體工學,健康及安全和安康管理服務。Dr. Chim是亞洲首位及唯一獲澳洲頒發之國際認可人體工學專才,亦是香港政府勞工署認可的註冊安全主任。

Dr. Chim 在過去十多年間曾為超過五個不同國家公司服務,負責有關人體工學、職業健康及安全管理和人力資源管理之職務。她為香港及澳洲多間大學教授人體工學、健康及安全管理及一般管理等科目。Dr. Chim 於2010年及2014年頒獲香港人類工效學學會人類工效學優秀項目獎 (專業級),這證明Dr. Chim之得獎項目在科學上之優越,創新及對人體工學之學科達到最高的評價。

Dr. Chim被澳洲駐香港總領事館譽為「香港首位取得人體工學碩士學位」之學生。她亦同時接受了來自香港及海外不同媒體的訪問,包括報章、電台、大學及專業協會等。

她亦獲得不少學術成就,包括獲得臺灣國立台北科技大學-優秀國際研究生獎學金及臺灣教育部研究所優秀僑生獎學金,香港浸會大學工商管理(榮譽)學士: 一級榮譽畢業生,主修人力資源管理。首位於澳洲昆士蘭大學人體工學碩士課程之香港畢業生。她並且於職業健康及安全管理碩士課程級別獲澳洲Safety Institute of Australia(SIA)頒發最傑出職業健康及安全管理畢業生獎項。

Dr. Chim的顧問服務及研究的興趣範圍包括:辦公室人體工學、意外預防及管理、體力處理風險管理、人體工學工作間評估,改善及設計、職業性人體工學及教授相關知識。


●  亞洲首位及唯一獲澳洲頒發之國際認可人體工學專才
●  香港政府勞工署認可的的註冊安全主任
●  澳洲Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia(HFESA)會員
●  香港人類工效學學會會員
●  香港人類工效學學會,教育及訓練委員會/委員會會員, 2009/2011
●  香港風險管理與安全協會會員


  • Chim, J. M. Y., & Chen, T. L. (2023). Prediction of Work from Home and Musculoskeletal Discomfort: An Investigation of Ergonomic Factors in Work Arrangements and Home Workstation Setups Using the COVID-19 Experience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3050.
  • Chim, J.M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021). Implementation of an Office Ergonomics Program to Promote Musculoskeletal Health: A Case Study in Hong Kong. IISE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors, 1–13. 

  • Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June). Occupational Disease Compensation and Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 703-709). Springer, Cham.
  • Chim, J. M.Y., & Chen, T. (2021, June). 6Ws in the Ergonomics Review of Macro and Micro Workplace Design. In Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (pp. 209-216). Springer, Cham. 
  • Chim J.M.Y. (2019) Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). IEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 820. Springer, Cham
  • Chim J.M.Y. (2019) 6Ws in Ergonomics Workplace Design. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). IEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 824. Springer, Cham 

  • Chim, Justine, MY, (2017) Creating and Ergonomic Workplace By Design, The 2nd Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design 

  • Chim, Justine, MY, (2015) Effective Ergonomics Project on Implementation of FITS TM Office Ergonomics Program, 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 

  • Chim, Justine, MY, (2015) Healthy Computing and Ergonomics: Review of Musculoskeletal Health Problems and Workplace Setting, 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association

  • June 2014 體力勞動 提舉有法written by Chim, J M.Y., Jiu Jik Magazine 

  • May 2014 認識人體工學防勞損 written by Chim, J M.Y., Jiu Jik Magazine 

  • Chim, J M.Y. (2014) Case Study: Project on Implementation of FITS TM Office Ergonomics Program, 50th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Annual Conference 2014, Australia 

  • Chim, Justine, MY, (2013) The FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program: A model for best practice, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.  

  • Chim, J, Musculoskeletal disorders among office employees in Hong Kong and best practice office ergonomics solutions (Presented in Eighth International Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in July 2013 in Busan, Korea) 

  • Author of the Hong Kong Filmmakers Professional Production  Guidelines  and  Industrial  Safety  Manual  2010  香港電影工作者專業製作指引及安全手冊 2010, published  by  the  Hong Kong  Filmmakers  Association 

  • Winning Telebet Centre Design: Apply Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health & Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency (The Hong Kong Jockey Club), 17th World Congress on Ergonomics (August 2009), International Ergonomics Association 

  • Ergonomics Workload Analysis for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Food Services in the Health Sector, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Annual Conference 2006, Australia 





人類工效學優秀項目獎2013/2014 (專業級),香港人類工效學學會




“FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program” that aims to provide a systematic solution to manage the potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users in an office setting. 

A comprehensive office ergonomics program, the FITS Model considers (1) Furniture Evaluation and Selection; (2) Individual workstation Assessment; (3) Training and Education; and (4) Stretching Exercises and Rest Break as elements of an effective program. An effective program can effectively reduce musculoskeletal injuries rates, enhancing productivity and improving staff well-being and job satisfaction. Justine will also share her experience on how the FITS Model Office Ergonomics Program applied in over 40 multinational corporations in Hong Kong and Asia in the past four years. Real case study of the office ergonomics program can show the application of the model into practice.


2009/2010 (專業級),香港人類工效學學會




Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health and Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Telebet Centre



(Photo from left to right)

Prof. Frank Finn, Director of Studies, Faculty of BEL, UQ

Prof. John Hay, Past Vice Chancellor, UQ

Ms. Justine Chim, President, Special Interest Group- HK, Faculty of Health Sciences, UQ

Sir Llew Edwards, Chancellor, UQ


獲澳洲 Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) 頒發最傑出職業健康與安全管理畢業生獎項



(Photo from left to right)

Mr. Stephen Thomas, President of Safety of Institute of Australia (SIA)-South Australia Division

Ms. Justine Chim


學生教務代表 - 代表商學院 (Student Senator), 香港浸會大學

Photo from left to right)
Ms. Justine Chim   

Prof. Tse Chi Wai (Past President, HKBU)



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