Chim's Ergonomics and Safety ● 詹士人體工學及職安健有限公司
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About Chim's Ergo and Safety ● 關於詹士 ESL
Business Motto ● 我們的格言

Our Business Motto 我們的格言:

is the Power  for Human Activities

It is the scientific discipline dedicated to understanding how humans interact with the world around them and the profession that uses this knowledge to design systems that enhance human well-being and performance. The principles of ergonomics can be applied to all areas of human activity, and a well-executed ergonomics program has the potential to boost productivity and decrease rates of injury. In the workplace, task analysis, workplace design and assessment, and office ergonomics are essential for creating a workspace that is comfortable and safe and maximizes efficiency (Reference: IEA)



Workplace Health and Safety is about preventing work-related injury and disease and designing work environments that promote staff well-being. At a higher level, Occupational Safety and Health also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other public members impacted by the workplace environment. Employers must proactively adopt a systematic approach to managing health and safety to satisfy important health and safety concerns. A health and safety program shall be established and integrated into the management program.

Workplace Health and Safety
is the Essence of Business Success



Employee Wellness
is the Soul of Human Resources


Employee wellness ncludes employee health management, caring human resources, and work-life balance. A good organization creates a pleasant and healthy workplace environment, and the organization, work team, and employees sustain higher work performance and well-being. This is an essential contemporary employee retention tool, and the human resources management strategy is to attract, retain, and motivate outstanding employees to your organization.



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