Workplace Review, Improvement & Design
Workplace health and safety is not confined to preventing injury and disease but aims to design the best workplace environment which promotes the employees’ well-being and operations efficiency in an organization. Workplace health and safety and operational efficiency are related the design and arrangements of the work space components such as workstation, work surfaces, seats, flooring, tools, equipment, and environmental conditions.
Good ergonomics and safety organization creates high efficient, injury-free, comfortable, good employees’ well being and high performance organization. However, poor occupational safety and health performance can be associated with damage to an organization’s goodwill and image and create injury risk factors for body discomfort, aches and pains, fatigue, and eventually, musculoskeletal disorders.
Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety provides the following consultancy services to create an ergonomically sounding and efficient workplace and operations.
- Ergonomics Worksite/Workstation Layout Design/Review
- Office Furniture Selection
- Furniture Fitting/Workstation Mock-up Evaluation
- Office Storage and Environmental Design
- Space Utilization Review and Recommendations
- Worksite Design for People with Special Needs
- Pre/Post Occupancy Check on Health and Safety and Ergonomics
- Computer Workstation Setup and Assessment
- Office/Worksite Ergonomics Training
Contact us now at telephone number 852 – 3625 2024 852 – 3625 2024 or via e-mail to: for needs analysis.
Ergonomics Application in Workplace Design
Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health and Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency
Justine Chim, Principal Consultant, was the Human Resources Manager (Employee Safety and Services) of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and acted as the internal advisor at the concept design activities, design evaluation, pre-production, and production and construction stages for the Hong Kong Jockey Club Tin Shui Wai Telebet Centre project. In her appointed role, she supported the ergonomics and health & safety promotion as well as development in the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
At the beginning of the project, the latest research papers, regulatory guidelines, international standards were reviewed for benchmarking the design of a workplace and also, in particular in the call centre setting. Recommendations were given to the project team in the initial design stage.
In addition, the task analysis was conducted by using the techniques of direct observation, video analysis, photo posture review and assessment to identify the key occupational safety and health, ergonomics issues, interacting between the telebet operator and the task, workstation, computer accessories and overall work environment.
After the earliest stage of internal review of the design criteria and the operators' task requirements and design, seven areas were selected as the focus of the project on the ergonomics and occupational safety and health elements. They were: (1) operators' hall design; (2) lighting and vision comfort; (3) ventilation and indoor air quality; (4) washroom and rest area facilities; (5) operator-workstation layout; (6) computer accessories and phone systems and (7) operator seating design.
Details can be referred to the published research paper below.
In addition the involvement in the Tin Shui Wai project, it was a great pleasure to publish a research paper in the 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, International Ergonomics Association in Beijing 2009.
The research paper is titled: Justine, M Y, CHIM, Peter, S G, NG, Stephen, T C, TAI (2009). Winning Telebet Centre, Design: Apply Participatory Ergonomics to Promote Work Health & Safety, Employee Wellness and Operational Efficiency. (Please contact us for a copy of article)
Justine Chim was the Winner of Outstanding Project Ergonomics Practitioner Award, Hong Kong Ergonomics Society in 2009/10 and demonstrated her highest ratings on scientific merit, innovativeness and contribution to the development of the discipline in occupational ergonomics.

(頭條日報: 21/01/2010)
(壹週刊: 07/05/2009)