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OHS System

OHS Management System

Occupational health and safety (OHS) management system is an integral part of an organization’s overall management structure. The occupational health and safety management system includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the OHS policy, and so managing the risks associated with the business of the organization.

The overall aim of implementation of systematic OHS management systems is to support the achievement of the highest levels of OHS performance through systematic elimination or reduction of risks. The primary benefit of develop OHS management system is to reduce of workplace illness and injury, minimize the costs associated with workplace accidents as well as promote healthy and safe working practices. 

The principle of the five components of the model are highlighted as follows:

1) Commitment and Policy: An organization should define its OHS policy and ensure commitment to its OHS management system.



2) Planning: An organization should plan to fulfill its OHS policy, objectives and targets



3) Implementation: For effective implementation, an organization should develop the capabilities and support mechanisms necessary to achieve its OHS policy, objectives and targers



4) Measurement and Evaluation: An organization should measure, monitor and evaluate its OHS performance, and take preventive and corrective action



5) Management Systems Review and Improvement: An organization should regularly review and continually improve its OHS management system, with the objective of improving its overall OHS performance

It is the time to upgrade your occupational safety and health function and develop for solutions on lowering the injury rate, call us now for solutions.

Contact us at telephone number 852 – 3625 2024852 – 3625 2024 or via e-mail to: for enquiry.

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