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Healthy Workplace - Office Stretches Poster and Leaflet

Healthy Workplace - Office Stretches Poster and Leaflet


Healthy workplace – office stretches poster and leaflet developed by Certified Professional Ergonomist and trainer. The Office Stretches provides important information on benefits of regular stretches, reminders before and after stretches.



The Office Stretches Poster/Leaflet included 10 office stretching exercise with full explanation and printed in Chinese and English. The office stretches were designed to cover the following body parts:


1. Neck
2. Wrist
3. Finger
4. Eye
5. Upper Back
6. Shoulder
7. Back
8. Chest
9. Lower Limb
10. Shoulder & Upper Limb

A2 and A3 Poster

A2 Poster printed on one side: HK$200 each

A3 Poster printed on one side: HK$70 each

A4 Leaflet printed on both sides: HK$20 each

A4 Leaflet


Note: The poster and leaflet are copyrighted by Chim’s Ergonomics and Safety Limited. Any reproduction is strictly prohibited.

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